Friday, April 24, 2009


I have noticed in the news an increase in mothers killing their children. It seems like every single time I turn on the news their is an incident about a mother taking the life of one or more of their kids. It was commonplace in the media to hear about a father who, according to popular press, went crazy and in a fit of rage turned on his family. In my opinion, murder is murder. But is it a different case when a mother kills a child they pained so much to birth? Mothers are supposed to protect their children and keep them close until they reach the point of adulthood. But slaying an innocent child because you cannot bear the responsibilities of motherhood? It seems like insanity to me. All I had to do was type in the keywords mother kills child into the google search bar. Up pops a story about a woman who stabbed her 9 year old daughter to death and then repeatedly stabbed herself in the stomach. This woman was 7 months pregnant, resulting in the death of her unborn child.  She also attempted to strangle her 14 year old daughter, but failed. Imagine the trauma that child has been subjected to. She will most likely never be right. The woman survived, and is currently undergoing serious psychological tests. It seems to me....a little too late?

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