Friday, April 24, 2009


I have noticed in the news an increase in mothers killing their children. It seems like every single time I turn on the news their is an incident about a mother taking the life of one or more of their kids. It was commonplace in the media to hear about a father who, according to popular press, went crazy and in a fit of rage turned on his family. In my opinion, murder is murder. But is it a different case when a mother kills a child they pained so much to birth? Mothers are supposed to protect their children and keep them close until they reach the point of adulthood. But slaying an innocent child because you cannot bear the responsibilities of motherhood? It seems like insanity to me. All I had to do was type in the keywords mother kills child into the google search bar. Up pops a story about a woman who stabbed her 9 year old daughter to death and then repeatedly stabbed herself in the stomach. This woman was 7 months pregnant, resulting in the death of her unborn child.  She also attempted to strangle her 14 year old daughter, but failed. Imagine the trauma that child has been subjected to. She will most likely never be right. The woman survived, and is currently undergoing serious psychological tests. It seems to me....a little too late?

Friday, April 10, 2009


I find it very interesting the direction lyrics in rap music has taken since the inception of hip-hop in the late 70's. Back then, there was actual lyrical content! Every mainstream rap song I hear today frankly is all about "Bitches and Hoes." Rappers today claim that nothing but women and money run their lives, and they wouldn't have it any other way. I ask you, why can't anyone be original anymore? Is the degradation of women really the hottest thing to rap about today? I know there was a sexual revolution, but lets be serious. Are these rappers trying to battle each other to see who can make the most money off of degrading women? Being the gigantic supporter of music I am, I have grown tired of this practice of calling every woman a ho and a slut in music.....maybe artists should take a look up and realize what they are really saying, if they ever want a woman that matters in their life...But, in reality they will continue to sing what makes them the most money, which is sadly the degradation of women. I can't ever remember hearing the Beatles or Jim Morrison talk about their "bitches", however courtisanship is mirrored in their lyrics, and I am pretty sure they had much better women in their lives because of it. They did not need to refer to women as objects and things you can just use and throw away.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Steve Wilkos.

I was watching the Steve Wilkos show yesterday about a segment on child abuse. This man was on it with his wife, who claimed he was an alcoholic and she had reason to believe that he was abusing their 4 month old daughter and 6 year old boy from her other marriage. She claimed that she, never left him alone while he was drinking, however he would go off randomly to change the baby's diaper when it did not need to be changed. When he was brought out, he instantly admitted he was an alcoholic who drinks a bottle of Jack Daniels and "25-30" beers a day. He calls her a whore to her face, demeans her in many ways and makes her feel horrible. STEEEEVE! is heard from the audience whenever he makes a semi-intellegent statement. He made one in this segment that I agreed with. "Why in the world would you put up with the shit he pulls on you, when he is the father of your child, as well as your unborn baby? Why would this woman stay with this man if he does this to her? besides their kids, she claims they have undying affection for each other and would never hurt her physically. So he just throws full beers at you. and calls you a whore. and, after the common lie detector test which is a norm on every show like this, it was revealed he did abuse their kids. Get a grip lady. If you were quizzical about him abusing your children in the first place, do you really need a buffoon like Steve Wilkos telling you what you already should know?