Monday, February 23, 2009


I watch Sportscenter on ESPN pretty regularly...and it was not until recently that I came to a revelation....Where are the women? I understand that there is not a lot of coverage on women's sports in general, but on the household name for sports in America? It is a travesty that there isn't any diversity in sports coverage today. I would say that Sportcenter cycles more than a dozen times in a day, and there are only at maximum 5 reports about women.  ESPN should realize that there is...i don't know...a market for women's sports reports?  They should also realize that the MLB, NBA, and NFL are gravy, but they should put more emphasis on NCAA athletics. I am tired of the three biggest sports in America completely dominating sports reporting. For once, I want to see a Jai-Alai match on ESPN. I want to sit down and watch Pompolona's Running of the Bulls in it's entirety. But no, I have to special order a channel for 20 dollars a month to maybe even catch these events. Does the same go for women's sports? Are they designated to a special channel? Oh wait! oh, nevermind... I thought I spotted a women's basketball game recap on the live ticker. ESPN, being the sports powerhouse,  can pretty much do whatever they want. They might not view it unfair the spend so little time covering women, because our sports market in America is truly centered around the MLB,NBA,NFL, and NCAA Men's Sports. When will ESPN realize that their ratings would probably go up if, just on Sportscenter, they had more segments about women's sports?

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